Privacy policy

1. Registrar

Name: Pan­te­rescu Oy
Busi­ness ID: FI30183012
Address: Aak­ku­lan­tie 39
Zip code: 36220
Pho­ne num­ber: +358 400 172 788
Email address:

2. Register’s purpose

Col­lec­ted per­so­nal data is used to:
Iden­ti­fy client. Ship­ping of orders and to both main­te­nance and deve­lop­ment of cus­to­mer relationship.

3. Basis for collecting and handling data

Cus­to­mer data is col­lec­ted and hand­led by the customer’s con­sent, or to execu­te the cont­ract made with customer.

4. Register’s data content

Person’s name, Address, Email address, Pho­ne num­ber, User­na­me and Password.

5. Data retention time

Per­so­nal data will be retai­ned as long as it is nee­ded to execu­te a cont­ract made with a cus­to­mer or to deve­lop cus­to­mer service.

6. Regular data sources

The data will be col­lec­ted to the regis­ter from:
A per­son self. The data will be col­lec­ted also through the Google Ana­ly­tics ana­ly­tics tool.

7. Regular transfer of data outside the EU or the European Economic Area

Data will not be trans­fer­red regu­lar­ly out­si­de the com­pa­ny. Some of the exter­nal ser­vice or softwa­re pro­vi­ders used by the com­pa­ny may sto­re data out­si­de the EU or the Euro­pean Eco­no­mic Area.

8. Cookie policy

We use so-cal­led coo­kie func­tion ergo coo­kies on our web­si­te. A coo­kie is a small text file sent to user’s com­pu­ter and the­reat retai­ned, which enables inter­net web­si­tes admi­ni­stra­tor to iden­ti­fy frequent site visi­tors, to ease users’ log­ging in to the site and to enable com­po­sing com­bi­ned data of users. With this feed­back we can con­ti­nuo­us­ly impro­ve our site’s con­tent. The coo­kies don’t harm users’ com­pu­ters or files. We use them in a man­ner that we can pro­vi­de our cus­to­mers with data and ser­vices accor­ding to each indi­vi­dual needs. Pro­vi­ded that our site visi­tor doesn’t want us to get afo­re­men­tio­ned data with coo­kies, newest brow­ser pro­grams enable disabling coo­kies. This usual­ly hap­pens through the set­tings of a brow­ser. Howe­ver, it is good to con­si­der that coo­kies can be neces­sa­ry for the pro­per func­tion of some of the pages we main­tain and the ser­vices we provide.

9. The protection of the register

Data is trans­fer­red over SSL pro­tec­ted con­nec­tion.
Elect­rical data is pro­tec­ted with firewall, user­na­mes and passwords.
The access rights of the data will be held only by the emplo­yees wor­king for the
regi­strar and who need this data in their tasks..

10. Auto­ma­tic deci­sion making

Auto­ma­tic single deci­sions (EU data pro­tec­tion article 22) will not made made.

11. The rights of a registered person

A regis­te­red per­son has a right to check which data of him has been recor­ded to
per­so­nal data regis­ter. Writ­ten ins­pec­tion request is to be sent sig­ned to the per­son res­pon­sible for regis­ter matters.

Ins­pec­tion right is free to be execu­ted at most once per year.

The regis­te­red per­son has right to demand cor­rec­tion or dele­tion of incor­rect or
out­da­ted data or a trans­fer from one sys­tem to anot­her. The per­son has also right to limit or object hand­ling of one’s hand­ling of data accor­ding to EU data pro­tec­tion regulation’s articles 18 and 21.

The regis­te­red per­son has right to cancel one’s pre­vious­ly given con­sent for data
hand­ling or to make a complaint of the mat­ters rela­ted to one’s data hand­ling to
super­vi­sing authority.

The regis­te­red per­son has also right to for­bid the usa­ge of one’s data to direct
mar­ke­ting purposes.