Terms and conditions

PANTERESCU OY FI30183012 (onli­ne shop) sells pro­ducts to pri­va­te per­sons in Fin­land and abroad. We reser­ve all rights to chan­ge the terms and con­di­tions, and the prices. All prices inclu­de VAT.

Con­tact us

E-mail: info@pantherkidswear.com
Telep­ho­ne: +358 400 172 788
Address: Aak­ku­lan­tie 39, 36220 Kangasala


Orders are col­lec­ted from the onli­ne shop selec­tion by adding the pro­ducts to the shop­ping bas­ket. The order is con­fir­med by using the check-out func­tio­na­li­ty in the onli­ne shop to pay for the purc­ha­se. By con­fir­ming an order, you accept the­se terms and con­di­tions, pro­duct pricing and ship­ping costs. An e-mail con­fir­ma­tion will be deli­ve­red in case an e-mail address is pro­vi­ded by the time of con­fir­ming the order. The e-mail con­fir­ma­tion lists the pro­ducts orde­red and the price breakdown.


Vis­ma Pay (Pay­byway Oy, busi­ness-id FI24865594) is the pay­ment faci­li­ta­tor of the onli­ne shop. Pay­byway Oy is a pay­ment faci­li­ta­tor aut­ho­rized by the Financial Super­vi­so­ry Aut­ho­ri­ty of Fin­land. The pay­ment process is con­duc­ted in the onli­ne ser­vice of Vis­ma Pay. Vis­ma Pay or Pay­byway Oy is shown as the recei­ver of your pay­ment in the bank account lis­ting and in your invoice. Paying with Vis­ma Pay is safe. All infor­ma­tion is exc­han­ged through secu­red connections.

The tra­de hap­pens between the onli­ne cus­to­mer and the onli­ne shop. The onli­ne shop is res­pon­sible for all obli­ga­tions rela­ted to the trade.

Read more about Vis­ma Pay: https://www.visma.fi/vismapay/

Payment methods

With Vis­ma Pay you can pay your order by an inter­net ban­king account, a wal­let, a pay­ment card (credit/debit), an invoice or a par­tial pay­ment. The fol­lowing met­hods of pay­ment are sup­por­ted: Osuus­pank­ki, Nor­dea, Dans­ke Bank, Oma Sääs­tö­pank­ki, Sääs­tö­pank­ki, Aktia, Pai­kal­li­so­suus­pan­kit, S-Pank­ki, Han­dels­ban­ken, Ålands­ban­ken, Jous­to, Enter­pay Com­pa­ny Invoice, Mobi­le­Pay, Mas­ter­pass, Pivo, Visa-, Visa Debit-, Visa Elect­ron-, Mas­terCard- and Debit Mas­terCard pay­ment cards.

Mobi­le­Pay: You can pay with your Mobi­le­Pay wal­let if you have allowed onli­ne pay­ments in the set­tings of the Mobi­le­Pay applica­tion. Pay­ment via Mobi­le­Pay takes place direct­ly from the pay­ment card lin­ked to Mobi­le­Pay. If char­ging the pay­ment from the lin­ked card fails, Mobi­le­Pay can not be used in the onli­ne shop.

Pivo: Terms and con­di­tions of Pivo can be found here: https://pivo.fi/kayttoehdot/pivon-kayttoehdot/

Jous­to invoice and part-pay­ment is a Fin­nish ser­vice for making purc­ha­ses quickly and safe­ly. Jous­to is for pri­va­te per­sons having their eco­no­my in balance. With Jous­to you will get 30 days time to pay wit­hout inte­rest or expen­ses. After you have recei­ved an invoice, you can deci­de to pay it at once or in parts. You can pay our purc­ha­se in up to 36 parts, star­ting from 9,90 eur/month. Expen­ses for Jous­to part-pay­ment are 3,90 eur/month and 19,90% inte­rest. With Jous­to you can pay purc­ha­ses from 30 to 3000 eur. Aura­jo­ki Nor­dic Oy issues the cre­dit. Read more from www.jousto.com.

Con­tact Vis­ma Pay

Vis­ma Pay, Pay­byway Oy (busi­ness-id FI24865594)
E-mail: helpdesk@vismapay.com
Telep­ho­ne: +358 9 315 42 037 (work­days 8-16)
Address: Laser­ka­tu 6, 53850 Lap­peen­ran­ta, Finland


Orders are being ship­ped during work­days. Pro­ducts from the stock are usual­ly deli­ve­red wit­hin 3-5 work­days. Deli­ve­ry for pro­ducts that are not in stock usual­ly takes 1-3 weeks. Ship­ping costs are defi­ned by the selec­ted deli­ve­ry met­hod, pos­sible ext­ra ser­vices, ship­ment weight and size. The ship­ping costs can be seen in the check-out func­tio­na­li­ty befo­re con­fir­ming the order.

Plea­se inform us wit­hout a delay - at least wit­hin 14 days - in case a pro­duct has lost or dama­ged in ship­ping. The logis­tics com­pa­ny must be also infor­med regar­ding any pro­ducts dama­ged in shipping.


The cus­to­mer has a right to chan­ge or return orde­red pro­ducts during 14 days of recei­ving the order. The cus­to­mer has a right to chan­ge or return all or part of the pro­ducts in the order. The chan­ged and retur­ned pro­ducts must be unused and in the ori­gi­nal pac­ka­ging. If you wish to chan­ge or return pro­ducts, plea­se con­tact us first for the instruc­tions. Plea­se attach your name, con­tact details and your bank account num­ber for recei­ving the refund.

Cancelling an order, defect liability and reclamations

The cus­to­mer has right to cancel an order befo­re the order is dis­patc­hed. The cancel­la­tion must be done in writ­ten by an e-mail to the cus­to­mer sup­port of the onli­ne shop.

The onli­ne shop is liable for defects in the sold pro­ducts accor­ding to the applicable law. Plea­se con­tact the cus­to­mer sup­port of the onli­ne shop imme­dia­te­ly in a case of recla­ma­tion. The con­su­mer has a right to file a dis­pu­te in the Con­su­mer Dis­pu­tes Board in a case of dis­pu­te between the onli­ne shop and the consumer.